Friday, December 10, 2010

Kathleen's Scribepost for December 10, 2010

Today in math : Classifying Triangles

  • 4.3 Extra Practice
  • Textbook ; Practice and Apply ODD OR EVEN, Extend 18 and 20.
Oh, sorry for all the pictures and not much words. Just got lazy with paint. SORRY!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Raquel's Scribepost for December 9th

Today in math class, we learned about Similar Triangles.
We learned terms like congruent. Congruent has a symbol that looks like:

Congruent means, Identical in shape and size.

We also learned the term similar. Similar al
so has a sign which looks like:
Triangles are similar if:
  • Two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent
  • Three pairs of corresponding sides are proportional
- Each vertex is a upper case letter and the opposite is a lower case letter.

A formula that you can use is:



That`s pretty much it for what we did in math class. Tell me if I forgot anything and please leave a comment if you actually go on here and read it and if you can`t see the picture just click on it.
- Raquel. :)

-go to
-read similar and congruent triangles
-apply and practise. Odd or even.

NOOOOOW, I`m done and sorry I know i posted it up late. :S

Monday, December 6, 2010

John's Scribepost for December 5th,2010

Sup guys today in class we talked about scale and scale factors.
The first thing we did was this:

Scale : Proportional Reasoning

Image : Actual

Then we did a problem is was:

prime Bprime
1 : 7 X : 23.5

But before starting with the question Mr.Backe
explained something about where the primes should go and where they shouldn't go.

Works: A/A
prime = B/Bprime

Doesn't Work: A/Aprime = Bprime/A

Then we started on the question

1 : 7 x : 23.5

1/x = 7/23.5 so you would cross multiply the numbers so 7 multiply x equals 7x
so you would put it like this.

7x/7 = 23.5/7 then 7x/7 would cancel each other out so you would divide 23.5 by 7 and your answer will be

After we were done talking about that question we did another

2 : 3 11 : x

2/3 = 11/x so as the last question went you would multiply 2 by x which would equal 2x and 3 by 11 which would equal 33. So the format would be like this

2x/2 = 33/2

2x/2 would cancel each other out and you have to divide 33 by 2 to get your answer of
Mr.Backe said it was called By Inspection.

After finishing more questions we reviewed the

mm cm dm dam hm km
mi ci di 1000 deca heca kilo
1000000 10000 m 100 10 1
100000 l

Then Mr.Backe asked how many 1cm would you need to reach 10km and the answer was you would need 100000 1cm to get the 10km.

Then Class Ended.

Read 4.2 139-142
do SYK
CYU 1-3
Practise: odd or even
Apply: 13-16 or 15-19
Extend: 20 and 21 or 21 and 22 (you have to do 21 for sure)


If I got anything wrong tell me so I can fix it!!!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Krystal`s Scribe for November 9th 2010.

SUUUP. I got picked to do the scribe today :)

In class, we basically just took notes about "Things You Need To Know". Here are the notes.

Signs,signs,everywhere. Signs....
-In mathematics we follow a certain order to be able to get the same answer. Order is usually devoted by certain symbols that help us get to the same answer all over the world. BEDMAS.
B=brackets= [ ] , { }, ( ).
D=division (multiplication)
M=multiplication (division)
A=addition (subtraction)
S=Subtraction (addition)

Sometimes it`s PEDMAS. P= Paranthesis.

-3.6-(2.8-2.1)=4.3 <---BEDMAS Other Confusing Signs: -When brackets kiss. () ( ), it means to multiply. -A bracket around an integer or any rational number does not necessarily mean, "do me first"
6x7 6.7. A dot between numbers can also mean multiplication or a decimal, it depends on the dots position.
6.7=multiply 6.7=decimal <--Fail, sorry I didn`t know how to do the thing.

When is a Negative Number, Negative ?

12-(-4/5)=17 4/5
6-[-(-3/-4)]= 6 4/3 = 7 1/3
12(-4/-5)=11 1/5


All or Some ?
2.3 squared = 36 or 18 ? Answer:18 = 2.(3.3) 9.2=18

(2.3)squared = 6 squared = 6.6= 36
-1/4 + (2/3)= ).43 < decimals or fractions ?


next i pick... uhh Faye I guess.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

John's Scribe Post For November 4th, 2010

Hey guys

Last class Mr.Backe assigned me question 24 in section 2.1 page 58.

Question: Give an example of a fraction in lowest terms that satisfies the following conditions.

A) Greater then 0, with the denominator greater than the numerator.

Answers: 1/3 or 2/5

B) Between 0 and -1, with the denominator less then the numerator.

Answer: for this answer I had a really hard time with so I looked at the back of the book. 3/-4

C) Less than -2, with the numerator less than the denominator.

Answer: -8/4

D) Between -1.2 and -1.3, with the numerator than the denominator.

Answer: 4/-3.

If anyone can explain question B it would help and if I got anything wrong tell me.


Raquel's Scribepost for November 4th


  • TWO wooden poles measured 1.35m and 0.83m in length. To make a new pole they were attached by overlapping the ends and trying them together. The length of the overlap was 12cm. What was the total length of the new pole in meters.
- For this question all I really did was add 1.35m and 0.83m and subtracted the results with 12cm.

Yeah, that's mostly it. Sorry, I didn't get enough time to take some pictures.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Karra's Scribe Post for November 4, 2010

2.2 - Text Book
Question: #16

Bella is more comfortable working with integers than with positive and negative decimal numbers. This is her way of understanding -4.3 + 2.5 .

-4.3 is -43/10 or -43 tenths

2.5 is 25/10 or 25 tenths

-43 tenths + 25 tenths is -18 tenths

-18 tenths is -18/10 or -1.8

So, -4.3 + 2.5 = 1.8

A ) Use Bella's method to determine 6.1 + (-3.9).

B) How could you modify Bella's method to determine 1.25 -3.46?

This is how you do the practise 2.2 question 14 in the textbook.

The question:Saida owns 125 shares of an oil company. One day, the value of each share dropped by 31 cents. The next day the value of each share rose by 18 cents. What was the cahnge in the value of Saida's shares?

The solution : Lets say each share is a dollar. now it drops by 31 cents. Its value is now 69 cents. Now we add 18 cents. We have 87 cents. Then we have to figure out what the value change would be now for one share. A share has dropped by 13 cents. Times 13 by 125, or you can do it a simpler way by times by 5 first to get 65 cents . Times by 5 again to get $3.25. Times by 5 one more time to get the final answer $16.25.
The Answer :The total value change of Saida's shares altogether dropped by $16.25.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ezekiel's Scribe post for November 4, 2010

Question #22
An aircraft was flying at an altitude of 1950m. It descended for 3 min at 2.5 m/s and then descended for 2.5 min at 2.8 m/s. What was the plane's altitude after the descent?

The plane is descending for 3 minutes at 2.5 m/s

1 minute has 60 seconds so 60 x 3 = 180

Then you multiply 180 by 2.5

180 x 2.5 = 450

now u can subtract 2950 by 450

2950 - 450 = 2500 m

now the plane is descending down for 2.5 minutes at 2.8 m/s

multiply the 60 seconds by the minutes going down
60 x 2.5 = 150

now times the seconds by the m/s which is 2.8

150 x 2.8 = 420

now subtract 420 by 2500

2500 - 420 = 2080 m
The altitude of the plane after the descend is 2080 m

Harvey's Scribepost for November 4, 2011

2.2 Apply, Question 21, page 61

Andrew drove his car 234 km from Dawson to Mayo in Yukon Territory in 3 h. Brian drove his truck along the same route at an average speed of 5km/h greater than Andrew's average speed. How much less time did Brian take, to the nearest minute?

If we divide 234km by 3h, we should get the km. We need to get Andrew's average speed because we need it to find out how long Brian took to reach the same distance.


So Andrew drove his truck at 78km/h.

We know that Brian drove 5km/h faster than Andrew, so he would have driven at 83km/h.

To find out how long he drove, we divide 234km by 83km.


Brian drove at 83km and took 2.8 hours.

We need to know how much more faster Brian was compared to Andrew. To do that, we convert the hours into minutes. To do this, multiply the hours by 60 minutes.



Then subtract, and we have our answer.

Brian was 12 minutes faster than Andrew to reach the same distance.

Kathleen's Scribepost for November 4, 2010

Question #12

A pelican dives vertically from a height of 3.8 m above the water. It then catches a fish 2.3 m underwater.
a) Write an expression using rational numbers to represent the length of the pelican's dive.

b) How long is the pelican's dive?

a) Answer will be a rational number or integer cause the question asked to write an expression using rational number.
3.8 - (-2.3)
3.8 is positive because it's above water and -2.3 is negative because the pelican went descending.

The answer is a positive because the subtrahend is much bigger than the minuend.

b) The pelican's dive is about 6.1 meters long.

Kenneth's Scribepost for November 4, 2010

Mr.Backe Assigned to me #19 pg53 of 2.1 fo
r scribe so yea I got the easy one.

Anyways I'm going to show you the answers for #19 (For those who either did or didn't do their homework) as well as the questions I'm about to show you.

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers

19. The table includes the melting points and boiling points of six elements known as the noble gases.

a)Which noble gases have a melting point that is less than the melting point of argon?
Whats less than the melting point of argon
is Helium and Neon

b)Which noble gases have a boiling point that is greater than the boiling point of krypton?
What's greater than the boiling point of krypton is Radan and Xenon

c) Arrange the melting points in ascending order.
-272.2, -248.67, -189.2, -156.6, -111.9, -71.0

d)Arrange the boiling points in descending order.
-61.8, -107.1, -152.3, -185.7, -245.92, -268.6

If I got any Errors Please Correct me by commenting xD and sorry for not putting coloring in because it wont let me -_- and yea I don't know how to make my picture big

Monday, November 1, 2010

Celdrick's Scribepost For November 1, 2010


Converting decimals into fractions is really simple.
Just follow my steps....

Let's try converting this number to fractions.
0.8 repeating.

0.8 can be shown as what ever you like. But I'll use x.

x=0.8 repeating.

Step 1.
Convert the decimal into a whole number and multiply it by ten because it's in the tenth place.

Step 2.
Subtract the 8.8 to the 0.8.

Step 3: Get rid of the decimal.
To do that you need to divide 9x to 9.

Step 4. Put the 9 below the 8.

Step 5. Try to convert it into a smaller fraction.

Now lets try to convert this decimal number to a fraction.

X=0.08 repeating.

Step 1.
Convert the decimal into a whole number and multiply it by one hundred because it's in the hundredth's place.

Step 2.
Subtract 8.88 repeating to 0.08

Step 3.

Get rid of the decimal.
To do that you need to divide 99 x to 99 and whatever you do to one side you do it to 8.8 too.

Step 4. Convert it into a whole number
8.8 x 10
99 x10

Step 5.

x= 88 over 990...CONVERT!!! 8 over 90 is the answer. So..... x=8 over 90.

Thanks for reading my blog...Don't forget to comment and do your homework. CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO MAKE IT BIGGER!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Krystal`s Scribe post for October 19 Post.

Today in class, Mr.Backe gave us 7 questions to answer. He gave us time to work on each individual question. The questions were about grouping numbers, putting numbers in order, decimals, fractions and the representation of math signs.

Question 1: I didn`t get a chance to write this question down.


Question 2: Write the following in ascending order : 6/7, 0.8, 0.666..., 13/14
Answer: 6/7 = 0.857. 13/14=0.928.
0.666, 0.8, 0.857, 0.928

Question 3: Name a rational number that is not an integer.
Answer: 1.5 , 2/10 , 0.2, 1/5 . There were many other answer. I just chose 4 random ones just to show.

Question 4: For this question, we were given 2 points on a number line. We had to determine the number it was at.
Answer : 3.3(blue) 5.5(black) Estimates.

Question 5: 0.625 < ?/8. Which number will make this statement true?
Answer: 6,7,8,9,10,11,ect. Nothing below 6.

Question 6: Number 6 belongs to which group(s) of numbers?
Answer: Natural numbers, Irrational numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, and Rationals.(not really sure if that`s right)

Question 7: Name a rational number equivalent to 5/25
Answer: 5

Todays homework is :
Textbook 2.1. The whole chapter.
Workbook 2.1. The whole chapter.
Extra Practice 2.1
Self Evaluation : Only the first column

Sorry it`s really late !!

The next person I pick for a post is ..... PAULO !

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kisha's Scibepost for October 18th

Today in math class, Mr. Backe gave us a yellow booklet with decimal work sheets. He assigned pages 1 and 2. The first page is addition, and the second page is subtraction. You're not aloud to use your calculator. If you can't do one of the questions mentally, do it on graph paper. Make sure to line up the decimals!



We also made boxes on a big sheet of paper. One side looked like this:

On the other side of paper it looked like this:

For the next scribe I pick.... KRYSTAL!

Good luck... !


Make sure to have finished:

  • Chapter Warm-up 2

  • Get Ready (homework book)

  • All SYK in 2.1

  • Everything in 2.1 except extend.

  • First two pages of the decimal worksheets!

Don't you just love math? :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kathleen's Scribepost for October 15th

Today, in math class, we learned about integer number lines and number lines.

We had to label the number lines with the numbers Backe would tell us.

First thing we had to label on the number line is going by 2.



The next thing we did was number the number line, going by half.


I think that was it. If I forgot to put something or made a mistake, just comment.

  • Chapter 2 Warm-Up ( green sheet )
  • Get Ready on homework book.
  • Read the beginning of 2.1 on the textbook.
  • DO ALL SYK on the text book. 2.1 :) ( there's only 3 )
I pick...........................................................KISHA OSBORNE to do the next scribepost. HAVE FUN >:)

Do your homework every single day. :) K bye!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Raquel's scribepost for October 12th

Today, in math class we had to solve some questions. (By the way, I'm going to be taking pictures instead of drawing it on paint and typing how to solve it cause, I think it's easier to take pictures so yeah. )
Such as:

Yeah, those are the questions in the beginning of the class. ( If you can't see the picture, GET GLASSES. just kidding. just click it to make it really large. (: )

Then, Mr.Backe taught us how to find this triangular roof. This is how you solve it:

We did a similar question which looks like:

That's pretty much it on what we did for today's math class. :)

You have to solve these shapes:

( Remember to click the pictures if you can't see it!!! )
Mr.Backe is also collecting the foldables and the journals tomorrow. So make sure your done it all.!!!!!!
I pick .................. KATHLEEN MAULA FOR NEXT SRIBEPOST. Love you Kathleen. :) Hope you have fun . Bwuahahahhaha.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Karra's Scribepost for October 8th

On Friday Backe went over the homework we were supposed to do .

d/2 =r
30/2 = 15
Small Cylinder
2 pi r h
2 pi (15)(40) = 1200 pi

= 3769.91 cm squared

Big Cylinder

d/2 =r
50/2 = 25
2 pi r h =2 pi (25)(90)
= 4500 pi
= 14137.17 cm squared

Big circle - Small circle
pi r squared -pi r squared
pi 25 squared - pi 15 squared

pi 625 - pi 225 = pi 400
1963.50- 706.86 =
1256.63 cm squared

TSA =3769.91+1256.63+14137.17= 19163.71 cm squared

Nearest hundredth of a meter
Find the surface Area

Large Small
d/2 = r d/2 =r
2.75/2 = 1.38 1/2 = 1

d = 1 m
d = 2.75 cm

2(Big circle - small circle ) Big outside - Small outside
2( pi r squared - pi r squared) 2 pi r h =2 pi r h
2(pi 1.375 squared - pi 0.5 squared ) 2 pi 1.375(5) = 2 pi 0.5 (5)
2(pi 1.89 - pi 0.25) 13.75 pi = 5 pi

2(pi 1.64) 18.75 pi

=3.28 58.90 m squared

10.30 m squared

Circles +outside and inside
TSA = 10.30 + 58.90 =
= 69.20 m squared

Backe's collecting the self evaluation and the Foldable - Surface area formula and symmetry use magazine or draw
Workbook- Vocabulary Link + Chapter Review + Textbook Chapter test only Surface Area
If not getting understanding surface area do extra practice sheet test.

That's ALL the homework :D

& I picckkkk.... RAQUEL to do the next scribe post :D have fun (:

sorry I couldn't make the symbols .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ezekiel's Scribe Post for October 7th, 2010

Today in math Mr. Backe showed us how to do our homework that we had to do.

The Answer:
Whole Shape
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A. = 2(12) (5) + 2(12) (10) + 2(10) (5)
S.A. = 120+240+100
S.A. = 460 u ²
Hole Taken out
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A .= 2(4) (5) + 2(4) (6) + 2(5) (6)
S.A. = 40+48+60
S.A. = 148 u ²
Faces Taken Out
S.A. = 2(LH)
S.A. = 2(4x6)
S.A. = 48
Total Surface Area
S.A. = 460+148-48
T.S.A. = 560 u ²
Mr. Backe asked us if we understood how to do surface area. Some of us didn't understand so he gave us another question. He told us we could do it on our own if we wanted. I did it on my own

The Answer:
Whole Shape
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A. = 2(7) (8) + 2(7) (9) + 2(8) (9)
S.A. = 112+126+144
S.A. = 382 u ²
inside the hole
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A. = 2(3) (8) + 2(3) (4) + 2(8) (4)
S.A. = 48+24+64
S.A. = 136 u ²
Faces Taken off
S.A. = 2(LH)
S.A. = 2(3 x 4)
S.A. = 24 u ²
Total Surface Area
S.A. = 382+136-24
T.S.A = 494 u ²

When everybody understood how to do the cube Mr.Backe showed asked us if we remembered how to find the circumference of a circle.
Circumference formula's: 2╥r or ╥d

Then he told us the formula for a cylinder
Then he gave us a cylinder that we were gonna do together.

Mr.Backe asked us how to find the radius from the diameter
r = d/2
r = 6/2
r = 3 cm
then he asked us to make a net of the cylinder

now we can solve the cylinders surface area
S.A. = 2╥rh+2╥r²
S.A. = 2╥(3) (12) + 2╥(3²)
S.A. = 229.19+56.55
S.A. = 282.74 cm²

I didn't put the first cylinder that we did together so.
S.A. = 2╥rh+2╥r²
S.A. = 2╥(5) (20)+2╥(5²)
S.A. = 628.32+157.08
S.A. = 785.4 cm ²
Remember for homework was in apply questions 13, 14, and 15 and Tutpup everyday

Also I pick Karra for the next scribe post. Have fun >:D