Monday, October 4, 2010

Finding the suface area for the check your understanding.

So now we have the pool stairs and all the dimensions with.As it is shown in the picture below the side is sort of not a shape.We have a way to find the area of that.Cut the little edege off.Now we have 20 x 30, and for the rest of that object(the big piece) 40 x 60 because 30 is cut off from 90.We square it because there is two of these objects.Then we add the rest.80 x (40 + 60 + 20 + 30 +20).So the formula is:
2{20 x 30 + 60 x 40 } + 80 (40 + 60 + 20 + 30 + 20)
2(600) + (2400) +80 (170)
19600 cm squared.

Now for the house that everyone has a hard time with. Before I start this you have to know that the bottom is something that you do not need fo this part. It isn't visable and pressed against something so we can't use it.Now for the triangles it is base x hieght divided by 2.Then we square it.Then we find the area for the rectangle and add the rest which is timesed by 10.
Here is how it is written:
2{4 x 6 divided by 2 + 5x6 } + 10(5+5+5+5)
2(12) + (30) + 10 (20)
284 m squared
The next scriber is John.Good luck mister president.

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