Converting decimals into fractions is really simple.
Just follow my steps....
Let's try converting this number to fractions.
0.8 repeating.
0.8 can be shown as what ever you like. But I'll use x.
x=0.8 repeating.
Step 1.
Convert the decimal into a whole number and multiply it by ten because it's in the tenth place.
Step 2.
Subtract the 8.8 to the 0.8.
Step 3: Get rid of the decimal.
To do that you need to divide 9x to 9.
Step 4. Put the 9 below the 8.
Step 5. Try to convert it into a smaller fraction.

Now lets try to convert this decimal number to a fraction.
X=0.08 repeating.
Step 1.
Convert the decimal into a whole number and multiply it by one hundred because it's in the hundredth's place.
Step 2.
Subtract 8.88 repeating to 0.08
Step 3.
Get rid of the decimal.
To do that you need to divide 99 x to 99 and whatever you do to one side you do it to 8.8 too.
Step 4. Convert it into a whole number
8.8 x 10
99 x10
Step 5.
x= 88 over 990...CONVERT!!! 8 over 90 is the answer. So..... x=8 over 90.

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Good job on your scribe post but who did you choose for the next scribe post ?
ReplyDeleteNice scribepost! Very interesting and thanks for telling us how to convert decimals into fraction. The only thing missing was colours, so it doesn't looks so plain, ey? And your picture was nice. Uhm, you shouldve shown more example with different place value thingy. Yenno what I mean? Ok. Well good job! :)