Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Krystal`s Scribe post for October 19 Post.

Today in class, Mr.Backe gave us 7 questions to answer. He gave us time to work on each individual question. The questions were about grouping numbers, putting numbers in order, decimals, fractions and the representation of math signs.

Question 1: I didn`t get a chance to write this question down.


Question 2: Write the following in ascending order : 6/7, 0.8, 0.666..., 13/14
Answer: 6/7 = 0.857. 13/14=0.928.
0.666, 0.8, 0.857, 0.928

Question 3: Name a rational number that is not an integer.
Answer: 1.5 , 2/10 , 0.2, 1/5 . There were many other answer. I just chose 4 random ones just to show.

Question 4: For this question, we were given 2 points on a number line. We had to determine the number it was at.
Answer : 3.3(blue) 5.5(black) Estimates.

Question 5: 0.625 < ?/8. Which number will make this statement true?
Answer: 6,7,8,9,10,11,ect. Nothing below 6.

Question 6: Number 6 belongs to which group(s) of numbers?
Answer: Natural numbers, Irrational numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, and Rationals.(not really sure if that`s right)

Question 7: Name a rational number equivalent to 5/25
Answer: 5

Todays homework is :
Textbook 2.1. The whole chapter.
Workbook 2.1. The whole chapter.
Extra Practice 2.1
Self Evaluation : Only the first column

Sorry it`s really late !!

The next person I pick for a post is ..... PAULO !

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kisha's Scibepost for October 18th

Today in math class, Mr. Backe gave us a yellow booklet with decimal work sheets. He assigned pages 1 and 2. The first page is addition, and the second page is subtraction. You're not aloud to use your calculator. If you can't do one of the questions mentally, do it on graph paper. Make sure to line up the decimals!



We also made boxes on a big sheet of paper. One side looked like this:

On the other side of paper it looked like this:

For the next scribe I pick.... KRYSTAL!

Good luck... !


Make sure to have finished:

  • Chapter Warm-up 2

  • Get Ready (homework book)

  • All SYK in 2.1

  • Everything in 2.1 except extend.

  • First two pages of the decimal worksheets!

Don't you just love math? :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kathleen's Scribepost for October 15th

Today, in math class, we learned about integer number lines and number lines.

We had to label the number lines with the numbers Backe would tell us.

First thing we had to label on the number line is going by 2.



The next thing we did was number the number line, going by half.


I think that was it. If I forgot to put something or made a mistake, just comment.

  • Chapter 2 Warm-Up ( green sheet )
  • Get Ready on homework book.
  • Read the beginning of 2.1 on the textbook.
  • DO ALL SYK on the text book. 2.1 :) ( there's only 3 )
I pick...........................................................KISHA OSBORNE to do the next scribepost. HAVE FUN >:)

Do your homework every single day. :) K bye!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Raquel's scribepost for October 12th

Today, in math class we had to solve some questions. (By the way, I'm going to be taking pictures instead of drawing it on paint and typing how to solve it cause, I think it's easier to take pictures so yeah. )
Such as:

Yeah, those are the questions in the beginning of the class. ( If you can't see the picture, GET GLASSES. just kidding. just click it to make it really large. (: )

Then, Mr.Backe taught us how to find this triangular roof. This is how you solve it:

We did a similar question which looks like:

That's pretty much it on what we did for today's math class. :)

You have to solve these shapes:

( Remember to click the pictures if you can't see it!!! )
Mr.Backe is also collecting the foldables and the journals tomorrow. So make sure your done it all.!!!!!!
I pick .................. KATHLEEN MAULA FOR NEXT SRIBEPOST. Love you Kathleen. :) Hope you have fun . Bwuahahahhaha.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Karra's Scribepost for October 8th

On Friday Backe went over the homework we were supposed to do .

d/2 =r
30/2 = 15
Small Cylinder
2 pi r h
2 pi (15)(40) = 1200 pi

= 3769.91 cm squared

Big Cylinder

d/2 =r
50/2 = 25
2 pi r h =2 pi (25)(90)
= 4500 pi
= 14137.17 cm squared

Big circle - Small circle
pi r squared -pi r squared
pi 25 squared - pi 15 squared

pi 625 - pi 225 = pi 400
1963.50- 706.86 =
1256.63 cm squared

TSA =3769.91+1256.63+14137.17= 19163.71 cm squared

Nearest hundredth of a meter
Find the surface Area

Large Small
d/2 = r d/2 =r
2.75/2 = 1.38 1/2 = 1

d = 1 m
d = 2.75 cm

2(Big circle - small circle ) Big outside - Small outside
2( pi r squared - pi r squared) 2 pi r h =2 pi r h
2(pi 1.375 squared - pi 0.5 squared ) 2 pi 1.375(5) = 2 pi 0.5 (5)
2(pi 1.89 - pi 0.25) 13.75 pi = 5 pi

2(pi 1.64) 18.75 pi

=3.28 58.90 m squared

10.30 m squared

Circles +outside and inside
TSA = 10.30 + 58.90 =
= 69.20 m squared

Backe's collecting the self evaluation and the Foldable - Surface area formula and symmetry use magazine or draw
Workbook- Vocabulary Link + Chapter Review + Textbook Chapter test only Surface Area
If not getting understanding surface area do extra practice sheet test.

That's ALL the homework :D

& I picckkkk.... RAQUEL to do the next scribe post :D have fun (:

sorry I couldn't make the symbols .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ezekiel's Scribe Post for October 7th, 2010

Today in math Mr. Backe showed us how to do our homework that we had to do.

The Answer:
Whole Shape
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A. = 2(12) (5) + 2(12) (10) + 2(10) (5)
S.A. = 120+240+100
S.A. = 460 u ²
Hole Taken out
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A .= 2(4) (5) + 2(4) (6) + 2(5) (6)
S.A. = 40+48+60
S.A. = 148 u ²
Faces Taken Out
S.A. = 2(LH)
S.A. = 2(4x6)
S.A. = 48
Total Surface Area
S.A. = 460+148-48
T.S.A. = 560 u ²
Mr. Backe asked us if we understood how to do surface area. Some of us didn't understand so he gave us another question. He told us we could do it on our own if we wanted. I did it on my own

The Answer:
Whole Shape
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A. = 2(7) (8) + 2(7) (9) + 2(8) (9)
S.A. = 112+126+144
S.A. = 382 u ²
inside the hole
S.A. = 2(L) (W) + 2(L) (H) + 2(W) (H)
S.A. = 2(3) (8) + 2(3) (4) + 2(8) (4)
S.A. = 48+24+64
S.A. = 136 u ²
Faces Taken off
S.A. = 2(LH)
S.A. = 2(3 x 4)
S.A. = 24 u ²
Total Surface Area
S.A. = 382+136-24
T.S.A = 494 u ²

When everybody understood how to do the cube Mr.Backe showed asked us if we remembered how to find the circumference of a circle.
Circumference formula's: 2╥r or ╥d

Then he told us the formula for a cylinder
Then he gave us a cylinder that we were gonna do together.

Mr.Backe asked us how to find the radius from the diameter
r = d/2
r = 6/2
r = 3 cm
then he asked us to make a net of the cylinder

now we can solve the cylinders surface area
S.A. = 2╥rh+2╥r²
S.A. = 2╥(3) (12) + 2╥(3²)
S.A. = 229.19+56.55
S.A. = 282.74 cm²

I didn't put the first cylinder that we did together so.
S.A. = 2╥rh+2╥r²
S.A. = 2╥(5) (20)+2╥(5²)
S.A. = 628.32+157.08
S.A. = 785.4 cm ²
Remember for homework was in apply questions 13, 14, and 15 and Tutpup everyday

Also I pick Karra for the next scribe post. Have fun >:D

Monday, October 4, 2010

John's Scribe Post Part 2

So the second part is the cylinder on page 31 were we had to calculate the area so in the picture below shows you the Diameter and radius:
This is what the cylinder looks like spread out, this is the out side of the cylinder.

This is the inside of the cylinder.

Then Mr.Backe wrote this down 

2(pie r² big-pie r² small)

 2(pie 10² - pie 5²)

                                                                                  2(pie 5²)

                                                                                  = 157.1

so thats it I think if anything is wrong tell me because I have to fix it.

Homework is TUTPUP, Apply and Practise 4-9 

-Johnand I pick Paulo for the next scribepost.

John's Scribe Post for October 4th, 2010

Sup guys so today in math class Mr.Backe asked us if we did Check Your Understanding on page 31. No one did it so we did the problem together. First Mr.Backe drew the cake like this one:

So Mr.Backe told us to draw the top view. Then he asked me what happens to the circle on top. So I said that it blends in with the square part of the cake.

Then we had to draw the side view which is the one you see in the bottom picture:

So the reason why I have 20 cm d is because to find the circumference you need Pie D(diameter)

so to get the surface area Mr.Backe wrote the answer down so here it is:

S.A.= 25²+5 pie 20+4(25)(5)

       = 625 + 314.2 + 500

       = 1439.2 cm²






Finding the suface area for the check your understanding.

So now we have the pool stairs and all the dimensions with.As it is shown in the picture below the side is sort of not a shape.We have a way to find the area of that.Cut the little edege off.Now we have 20 x 30, and for the rest of that object(the big piece) 40 x 60 because 30 is cut off from 90.We square it because there is two of these objects.Then we add the rest.80 x (40 + 60 + 20 + 30 +20).So the formula is:
2{20 x 30 + 60 x 40 } + 80 (40 + 60 + 20 + 30 + 20)
2(600) + (2400) +80 (170)
19600 cm squared.

Now for the house that everyone has a hard time with. Before I start this you have to know that the bottom is something that you do not need fo this part. It isn't visable and pressed against something so we can't use it.Now for the triangles it is base x hieght divided by 2.Then we square it.Then we find the area for the rectangle and add the rest which is timesed by 10.
Here is how it is written:
2{4 x 6 divided by 2 + 5x6 } + 10(5+5+5+5)
2(12) + (30) + 10 (20)
284 m squared
The next scriber is John.Good luck mister president.